Thursday, September 21, 2006

Daniel Memory Song Update

(Please see my Thursday Thirteen below.)

I had the memory verse song for the Daniel study playing on my blog, with mixed feelings about it, since you couldn't choose whether to listen or not if you were looking at the blog. With the exception of TT, I think most people who come here either want to hear it because they are memorizing for the study or because Kenny and I wrote it and they would like to hear it.

But I am huge on respecting other's choice to listen to music or not (really :-)), so I am taking off the embed that loops the song, at least for today. If you want to hear Daniel 2:20-23 (and I would love for you to), please click on the title to this post, and it will take you to Kenny's site.

Thanks and sorry for any disruption to your TT fun today:-)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like the song. it sounds awesome, really.!


10:51 AM  

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