Saturday, June 03, 2006

Shall We Dance? (Part 2 1/2)

Well, there has been a little flurry of activity surrounding the dance for June 17th in the CUBE.

Some have said that "people won't have a problem with it..."

Some have said that "this is going to blow up bigger than anyone might might split the church"

I don't know what is going to happen....probably somewhere in the middle.

They'll have the cleanest dance that there ever was...

The Hokey Pokey to 75 verses of "El Shaddai" or something...

Spotlights on everyone...

Some people will think it's OK from the git-go...

Some will spy on it or ask someone who went for a report and then decide it wasn't a big deal...

Some people may leave the church as soon as they hear we are having the dance...

Some may kind of look around for awhile and then slip away to a more conservative fellowship...

Apparently they are going to have it, though.

I'm trying not to take it personally... some of the people who are pushing for it are people that I love and have alot of emotional investment in.

But I look at my church, which we chose in part because it was Southern Baptist, and at the turnover it has experienced over the last few years...

and I think, "We have tried to be supportive of our church home of the last 10 years, even through all the changes that have come down. We may not have liked them all, but we loved our friends that were still here and we hoped that things would kind of eventually settle out."

You know...there are more gray areas than just dancing....and I know many of you are nervous to say anything...but remember...

Silence is permission

You can respectfully tell people how you feel about this.

And if you don't, they are just going to figure that you think it's OK.

Call the church.

E-mail the church.

James Hunt-Singles Minister

Rick Thompson-Senior Pastor

Norman Behymer-Executive Pastor

Send a note in the offering plate.

Post on my blog (just hit the comments link under this post)...or Ken's...

But don't just sit and gripe to yourself or with your little group of friends.

You still have time.

I don't think it's right to have a dance at a Southern Baptist church without support from the members in the church community building..

And I don't think it's right to have activities that people won't (don't feel they can) come to because they think it's wrong.

I am fine with dancing....

But do it somewhere where everyone feels like it's OK.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I emailed Pastor Rick, James Hunt, Norman, Neil Franks and Linda Myers. The email is as follows:

"My husband and I are against the idea of a dance at the cube.

I really don't have much to say on the issue because I believe so strongly about the issue (as does my husband) but I know that there is no way I could make you understand how we feel about the issue. Our biggest problem is that it is for the singles (we don't have a problem with married couples). Moving and getting close to another individual to whom you are not married just doesn't seem right. Thoughts are bound to enter the minds of those single males, that as a church I would not want to be responsible for putting there. That is our biggest issue with the problem. Not to mention that all the christian universities (SNU, OCU, OBU...) around prohibit their students from not only dancing on campus but at any social dance...therefore to attend your dance they would be disobeying the guideline set before them in the handbooks. The other issue is that it is a church sponsored event, on church a denomination that is typically against this type (social, group) of dancing. It is a gray area, we think it'is odd that is even being attempted.

We understand that you most likely feel you are making the best decision for the church, but it is not a direction we believe is appropriate. Enjoy your social gathering, and hopefully this will not disrupt the unity of the church body.

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i got a phone call after the email i sent from norm. the dance is going to be moved off away from the cube. also he stated that "obu does have dances but they call them vunctions..."

3:03 PM  
Blogger angela said...

Yeah...they do...I heard that, too. But the point is that the handbook says that OBU has its policy to reflect the traditional view of Southern Baptists....that is the point.

And as someone who signed an honor code (saying I would abide by the parameters set by my college) I think that is an integrity issue. When you say, by your attendance somewhere that you will abide by their rules and then you change the wording and do the wrong this, that is skewed thinking.

And when the school says that there are to be no dances on campus or sponsored by the school, that should mean that they don't think the kids should be dancing...and it should not be treated as a joke.

That is a much bigger issue than just dancing, in my book.

As far as moving it off campus, that is great...but I will be interested to see if any policies have been made regarding this issue.

Thanks for the info, Kristina...:-)

3:23 PM  
Blogger Don said...

The Word tells us to not be conformed to this world but transformed.
(Rom 12:2)

It also tells us to love not the world or the things of it.
(1 John 2:15-16)

Lastly, we (Christians) are a peculiar people.
(Titus 2:14 & 1 Peter 2:9)

This means we're different and the people of the world should see us as such. We shouldn't blend in and go unnoticed.

In closing, the LORD has called us to be Holy, not entertained.

9:41 PM  
Blogger angela said...

Great words, Don...

I forgot all about the peculiar people verse...and you are so right on with all of these verses...Thanks for posting. I hope it inspires many to speak up.

Angela :-)

9:44 PM  

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