Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Well, today is the last day of school for my kids...I will be out all day at assemblies for them, which means I can't work on my "dancing dissertation", but there's always tomorrow. The kids are wayyyy beyond excited, but also I catch them being kind of melancholy,too. Guess change is like that...if it's good, you look forward to it, but if what was going on before the change was good, that makes you a little sad. Feelings are a complicated thing, sometimes...

Anyway, for anyone who was wondering, the Christ Centered Singles Dance is on the calendar at the church...June 17th....And if all goes well, I am hoping to have something here on Friday...I am working toward that end, anyway. Keep checking back if you are interested.

No Amazing Race tomorrow:-(...but last week was know, it doesn't always work out in a nice neat package where the naughty people lose, but when it does, it's kind of fun...:-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah he deleted the post. that's now a dead link. i would love to see what the church thinks. do we have a group large enough to approach the staff?

9:24 AM  

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