Friday, December 01, 2006

Jesse Tree #1-Creation

Happy December!

Today is the first day that we are going to do the Jesse Tree. We will do something for it every day this month up to Christmas Eve.

For Creation, we will make Rice Krispie Treats in the shape of the world.

To do this, make a batch of regular Rice Krispie batter :-), then separate into two bowls. Use blue food coloring for half and green for half.

Let it cool a have some time. Then take a blob of blue and a blob of green and mold them together into a ball.

Squint your eyes a bit. See? It's a representation of Earth!

For our tree (which already has the lights on it, but no ornaments) make some kind of Earth...Styrofoam ball, cutout of paper colored like Earth, just something. Hang it on the tree.

If you have a Bible storybook of the creation account, you can read that. Or you can access my friend

Paul Dallgas-Frye's Bible Stories for Children...Creation Story

If you follow the link through, there are a few pages with the creation story, and Paul does a great job here.

Or you can just read the Creation account from Genesis 1

Happy Jesse Treeing!


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