Saturday, April 22, 2006

News Extra-No Grafted In Tonight (April 22, 2006)

For those of you who are local, we play at Swadley's BBQ at 39th and Rockwell every 2nd and 4th Saturday night. Gospel music. If you look at my links, you will see some information about our band.

Anyway, our co-leader, guitar man, emcee, etc, Ken James, had some stomach issues this week. But not like what you might have or I might have...pretty serious, because he has a history of digestive stuff and had big surgery about 10 years ago in the areas that seem to be causing problems now. He was out of town at meetings all week, and finally went to the doctor yesterday afternoon and the ER last night.

He is in the hospital now. They are getting all the stuff out of his stomach and trying to figure out the next step. His lovely wife, Janice, is at his side...and I am so glad for that. The only thing worse than being sick is being sick in a strange place without those you love there to comfort you.

So anyway, please say a prayer for him and for Janice...and if you know anyone who was going to Swadley's tonight to see us (or anyone who knows Ken and Janice), pass this news along.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How awesome. Thanks for sharing.

10:16 PM  

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