Sunday, March 05, 2006

Taking Care of What I Already Have

My friend's husband was supposed to get a big raise. In anticipation of that, they had been looking at bigger homes and were very excited at the prospect of "movin' on up" :-)...but the raise fell through and in fact his position was phased out. new house. When I spoke with her later, she said, "Yeah, I was disappointed...but then thought about this: Why should I be upset (with God) that we didn't get "more" when we haven't been that great of stewards of what we already have?"

It kind of made me think of this verse:

Luke 16:10
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much."

I don't think that is always why things don't happen for people, but it convicted me. There are many many things that God has given me and jobs He has given me to do, but I lack follow through. So I am going to make a list of those and try to finish some of them. Why should I expect more when I have so much left undone?


Blogger kjam22 said...

Hello Angela,

I agree with you. I also think that's mature teaching. It's taking the christian walk to a deeper level. It's understanding that there is more to it than a license and a fire escape policy.

Boy, the bible is full of truths isn't it. And we can read it for a lifetime and still learn new things as the Spirit grows us and gives us understanding. But it is understanding that builds on itself. It's like learning math... nobody teaches algebra before they teach multiplication.

Have a blessed day!

5:40 AM  
Blogger angela said...

Dear DPB,

Yeah, you know it is funny how when we get more, we have to maintain it, too. More time, more energy...I know lots of times I wind up looking at whatever I have accumulated 6 months later and giving it away to get it out of my just becomes junk that we trip over or a a guilty reminder that there is a project waiting for me.

But I never learn...there is always something else to have or do that looks fun and I am usually a sucker and try to take it on. :-)

6:42 AM  
Blogger angela said...

Dear Kenny,

It is amazing how you can read a Bible passage at one point in your life and spiritual growth and read it again at another point and it has something else for you. It is the living Word :-)

In fact, I was talking to some people the other day and a scripture just jumped into my was 1 Samuel 16:7 where God tells Samuel not to look on the outward appearance when choosing a king...that He looks at the heart not the outside...and as I was speaking to my friends, I felt that that verse could also apply to when people are not being nice or have an appearance in their actions that might make us feel that they are mean or uncaring or whatever...if we could see as God does, we would probably see that there are all kinds of things going on inside of them that cause them to seem that way.

Previously I felt that passage only applied to thinking people were better than they seemed...that may be a strethc, but that was my thinking. :-)

6:49 AM  
Blogger angela said...

Dear DPB (good morning:-))

I don't mean feeling guilty about the money is just one more thing that is left incomplete that I am looking at.

So...are you content with your place in life (home, whatever) because you wouldn't WANT more, or because you just know that you don't have the funding for more? Just trying to clarify from your first post.:-) Either would be reasonable.

But what I am getting at is like my son, who is always wishing he had a new lego set...Star Wars, Knights...whatever. But when I look at where he plays with them,
NONE of the previously bought kits are put together...and the pieces are all over the place.

Sometimes I think I must seem like that with the grown up desires that I have for placement and things...

Thanks for posting...I always enjoy hearing from you. And YES we are saving up for our kids, but I don't know if we could EVER get ahead on that one;-)

10:33 AM  

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