Friday, December 22, 2006

Jesse Tree 20 21 22-Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph

Tonight we will spotlight Elizabeth

As someone who had a baby at 39, I love the story of Elizabeth...and Sarah...If course it's not the same, but they make me smile.

Here is her story...and here, where she does kind of a little praise/prophecy thing. And here, although it was in yesterday's story too, is the birth of her baby, etc.

We are eating

terriyaki, because it takes a long time to make before you actually eat it...(marinating overnight)

buns (like a bun in the oven)

mashed potatoes because sometimes when you are pregnant you can only stand white bland food.

and tootsie pops (a fun surprise inside:-))

The ornament is a grandma doll (like Polly Pocket size) with a baby rubberbanded on.
Saturday we will spotlight Mary

Foods for that day-


(because they are teen foods and Mary was supposed to be about 14)

Angelfood cake (because God found favor with her)

The ornament is a lily.

The story is here. There is more, of course, but that's all we are doing today.
Sunday we will spotlight Joseph

Sunday is also Christmas Eve and we always go to Chuck E Cheese or Incredible Pizza on that day. Kind of a kid party thing...for Jesus. Celebrating Christmas Day too, but it's different.

So we will do that for part of that day and then for dinner we will have

PBJ circle sandwiches (I have a Pampered Chef item that does this, but you can also buy those frozen ones).

And BLTs because bacon kind of looks like a ruler which one might use in carpentry.

We also eat those honey BBQ corkscrew looking fritos...because they look like a screw.

And those big pretzel rods dipped in chocolate.

The story is here

And the ornament that we use is a ruler.

We pretty much end our Jesse Tree here...we are either usually out of town and this year, since we are going to be home, we are going to try something new. I am envisioning something like the Amazing Race, where at certain points of the story we will play a game, sing a song etc. I'll let you know how it works out.


Blogger Kimba said...

HI! Haven't heard from you in a very long time! Hope all is well & wonderful on your end of the world!

3:51 PM  
Blogger Kimba said...

Angela...wasn't sure how to get in touch to tell you I had the baby!!!
Please drop me a line & let me know you are well! Miss hearing from you!

10:03 PM  
Blogger Snoskred said...

Hi, it's Snoskred here. I've recently become a blogging chick and have set myself a challenge to comment on as many Blogging Chick blogs as I can. So that's why I'm here. ;)

It looks like you haven't been around for a while. I hope all is well.

I like my mashed potatoes with sweet potato and cheese. :) But chives are always good, too.


10:21 AM  

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